Last year’s finalists from team Pinchett Petro Poutanen and Aleksi Moisio share their tips with future applicants: believe in your idea, get your hands dirty as soon as possible and talk about your idea constantly to everyone around you sparing no-one.

Petro Poutanen and Aleksi Moisio from Pinchett encourage applicants to talk about their idea constantly.
”I can still remember the night when the idea of Pinchett cristallised and we realised that yes, this is the one we will apply with. It was a great moment”, Petro Poutanen reminisces.
A group of friends including Poutanen, Aleksi Moisio, Jussi Pullinen and Lauri Eloranta, had decided to apply to Uutisraivaaja innovation contest. The application idea was still up in the air. ”We’d been throwing different thoughts and themes around. Once we realised this idea combined all of them, we started jumping up in the air”, Poutanen tells.
Pinchett is a mobile application for hyper local news for a small audience. ”We all lived close to each other at the time and were looking for a locally relevant innovation”, Aleksi Moisio explains. The spark of making a concrete product came with the competition. ” It was a great experience and a unique possibility to learn about starting up an enterprise”, they agree.
Below is pitch video for Pinchett.