Uutisraivaaja-blogia kirjoittavat innovaatiokilpailun osallistujat.
Kävimme toimitusjohtajamme Kobra Koskisen kanssa New Yorkin Advertising Weekilla esittelemässä Scoopinionia ja tapaamassa viestinnän huipputoimijoita. Matkan seurauksena pääsimme kertaheitolla maistelemaan maailman suurimpien mediatalojen ajatuksia sosiaalisesta uutispalvelustamme.
Yeah, it has been a roller coaster ride ever since our project qualified for the final round of Uutisraivaaja. I have often been asking myself if our project really is too much of a daydream. I mean, building a whole new network with a decentralized architecture alongside the Internet seems like nutty idea, like tilting…
Hello. This is the first blog entry of our project to this Uutisraivaaja blog and at the same time the first blog entry I myself have ever written. Now as it has been revealed I’m a bit of a social media luddite, or more accurately a bit of a backwater simpleton, maybe you’ll be more…
Huuhkaja had a moment of terror on 25th of May. We were out with topics for two pilot stories. Would people come and participate? Would anybody share opinions, knowledge and insights with us? What if no one did!
Hello there! This is Collapick calling. We are active bloggers and journalists, and we have been working hard since March to make life easier for us – and for all other bloggers, professional journalists and big media companies out there.
Influence Networks is a project that lets journalists and web-users map and visualize relationships between public figures. The video below provides you with an overview of the way it works.
Today is a special day for us. Not only are we privileged enough to be able to participate in Uutisraivaaja, but we also celebrate the launch of our website at huome.net [who-me-dot-net]. This will be the forum where you can follow our project and to be a part of it as well by joining our…