Sorry for the click-bait heading, but we think we are working on something important here. But let’s start with the most recent good news: we are very excited about our visual identity designed by our new team member, Jaakko Hyvärinen. Jaakko is also working on the UX-design for our product.
We wanted to stay very basic with our identity and keep things in black and white. With the shape and typesetting we want to emphasise the importance of how tiny nuances can make a huge difference. Frameright gives the control back to you and makes digital publishing visually respectful again.

Work in progress.

Images are a big part of storytelling, but technological changes have led to a situation where they have been left on the sidelines. People rave about the conceptual importance of images, but on a practical level publishers pay little attention to how they end up looking. We want to give the tools to control how images behave in a changing layouts or news feeds, different devices and media.
It has been a pain and a pleasure to tackle the challenge of creating something from scratch. The most fun part about last months has been talking with people and we are grateful to all of those who shared their valuable time and perspective with us. It is incredible to discover all the different ways of thinking and doing things. If you want to stay in the loop and be part of the change for digital visual publishing, join our mailing list by emailing [email protected]


Donuts and cloud architecture.

Three months have passed by unbelievably fast and the final application and presentation are getting closer. We have been working on a lot of things from administrative stuff to visual design and at the same time tried concentrate on developing the product itself. Frameright has offered us a creative and intellectual challenge that is super fun and demanding at the same time. Our lives have been filled with books and articles and podcasts and online lectures about various topics from media publishing to founding and scaling start up companies. We are already looking past the finals and focusing on the long run. 
Frameright and the company built around it are something we are determined to work full-time for the upcoming years. Being part of Uutisraivaaja has given us the encouragement and validation to take the leap and leave everything else.”


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